Peter Looked Away
Tune In Tomorrow

Thankful Thursday - The Resurrection and Passover

Let us give thanks. It is Thankful Thursday.

I am thrilled to be hosting Thankful Thursday in April. I have been crazy busy and plan to jump back into blogging this month and earnestly look forward to visiting all of you are reading your praises. Next month we will meet with Laurie at Women Taking A Stand and then in June we will share our thanks over at Iris of Grace Alone.

As I prepare this post it's Wednesday. The middle of the Holy Week. Also, the observance of Passover coincides with the week leading up to Easter. It would have been on a Wednesday that Jesus and his disciples sat for a Seder meal.

I became quite curious about the Jewish traditions of Passover and began chatting with a friend, Kathryn, who describes herself as a Christian with a heart for unity between Jews and Gentiles, who provided me with insight into the ancient customs. After speaking to her, I decided I wanted to experience some of the traditions and how they point to Christ with my small group from church. So I did. You can see the photos below (Thanks Tanya for grabbing my camera and firing off a few photos).

The following is from Kathryn:

I'm so glad you are blessed by this! That would be very meaningful to share the matza and juice with your group. 

Because the seder has always been done in the same order (the word seder means order), we can know at what point Jesus did what. 

For example, before the seder begins, there is a ritual washing of hands. That's when Jesus washed his disciples' feet. 

It's overwhelming to me that Passover rituals that have been kept for millennia point to Jesus. He had it all in place before He came. Even the matza used for the seder is kept in a special linen with three compartments, and is called "echad" which means one. Three in one. Jews have no explanation for it. That's the way it's always been done. And why break the middle matza, wrap it in linen, hide it away, then redeem it and partake of it? Just tradition, they say. 

Jesus didn't bring a new meaning to Passover. 

It was about Him all along. 

It's always been about Him. 

If you're interested in knowing more, I recommend reading Christ in the Passover by Ceil and Moishe Rosen. You might also want to browse around my website at Precious Holidays. Hugs back, Kathy

It is true. I am overwhelmed as well and delighted to share this life changing week with my small group and now with you my friends who participate in Thankful Thursday. This week I give thanks for the Resurrection. It's always been about Him! AMEN!

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