Herding cats = Middle School Band
Thankful Thursday - Another Front Row Seat

Open Forum

SUMButton Spiritually Unequal Marriage is fast approaching the end of our third year. I bet Lynn is shaking her head in disbelief right now. I went back through the posts to see the very first one! Hee hee...May 1st.

Personally, I can't believe it's been almost two years since I joined in the "fun" here at SUM. Wow! Thank you, Lynn! This ministry has meant to world to me—to us both. To be able to offer comfort, encouragement, and hope...and to have received it as well...

Okay, okay, before I get all mushy, or you think I'm leaving or something, I have an idea. I'm proposing a bit of an open forum today. If you have a question or a subject that you want to see addressed or want to explore further, leave it in the comments. Lynn and I will pray over each one and do our best to share our wisdom, give direction, or even just offer our prayers.

Come on now, don't be shy. We want to know what you're thinking about, struggling with, worrying over, and wondering about. And being in a spiritually mismatched marriage isn't easy. This blog is here to serve, and what better way than for us to ask you, our precious readers, what you need answers about. We'll do our best, and God will do the rest.

He's really good at that, you know?

Praying and believing,

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